a film by Lieven Corthouts
with Biniam Girmay Hailu
director of photography Lieven Corthouts
editor Dieter Diependaele
original music Lander Gyselinck and Hihats In Trees
sound Pedro Van der Eecken
sound engineer Lieven Corthouts
colorist Veerle Zeelmaekers
artwork Amira Daoudi
additional photography Biniam Girmay Hailu
camera Grégoire Verbeke
editor TV version Tania Goldenberg
additional editing Tom Fassaert
post production facilities image FLOW Postproduction
post production facilities sound The Image & Sound Factory
producers Emmy Oost, Magalie Dierick
coproducers Samuel Feller, Valérie Montmartin, Raphaël Pelissou, Renko Douze, Hasse van Nunen, Anton Iffland Stettner, Eva Kuperman
a coproduction by Cassette for timescapes, Magellan Films, Little Big Story, Een van de jongens, Stenola Productions
in coproduction with ARTE G.E.I.E., VRT, RTBF – Unité Documentaire, EOdocs, Al Jazeera Documentary Channel distribution belgium MOOOV Distribution
supported by The Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), The Netherlands Film Fund, Belgian Development Cooperation, Creative Europe MEDIA of the European Union, the Center of Cinema and Audiovisual of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation, the Region Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, in partnership with CNC (development), RTS Radio Télévision Suisse, The Pascal Decroos Fund, The Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government